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Writer's pictureMelissa McLeod

Beginnings in Spring with some simple cleansing and Routines....

Updated: Mar 31, 2023

Welcome to Authentic Wellness Experiences Blog....

Hello, My name is Melissa McLeod. I am a part owner and full time creatrix here at Authentic wellness experiences and I am here to give you all kinds of Life hacks and tips on wellness and natures connections in staying healthy with the seasons...There will be many Topics to relate to and keep your interests on self improvements and growth to help each of us expand consciously on or unique journey...

I am excited to Bring you on many new and adventurous experiences, unique to each and everyone who choses to enter this magical world we have been creating just for you...

I have been blessed with devotion and dedication to the path less traveled on a quest to know thy self....Cant wait to share all I have found and keep on finding...

Todays Post is a Spring Seasonal post...I'll be sharing with you a few different ways that you can keep healthy throughout the seasons...


Alas, spring. Where I live in Quebec in the north east part of Canada...The winters here can get quite harsh, there are a lot of said snow birds here that migrate south in the bitter bits of winter...Spring Solstice is a time of renewal, a time to plant seeds for food and for change. There are a lot of similarities in what nature is doing compared to what we should be doing in terms of a smooth transition from winter to spring to summer to fall...

Hope gets restored on during this time as march brings warmer days but not with out a few storms to keep you on edge...the streams start opening up and the rusted grass can be seen as well as some parts of the roads frequently traveled...For us tho here at the Ranch we have a long ways to go before the grass is seen...

During this time there is only so little one can do outside, so we begin on the inside and on our insides..This is a time to be out with the old and in with the new...Spring in to life with rituals to help you create change and plant the seeds of summer...This is a time to do some spring cleaning inside the house and as the snow melts the yard calls...Having a Clothes swap is a good way to pass along and add fresh new flavor to your closet and help spruce up someone elses...Getting items ready by your self or with friends and neighbours and prepare for a yard sale...

Another way too add spring Rituals is to do a cleansing or a fast...In our online wellness sessions you can find out what cleanses work best for your unique self. Add in some new healthy movement habits by taking one of our online classes and get a specific routine for spring customized just for you...Creating alternative eating habits is very good for the body and the mind, new things create new synapses there for growth and change can happen...Talk to one of our healthy life styles regenerators to find out new and improved ways you can makes some changes...

This time of year it is important to think about the liver and the gallbladder...The Liver being the great detoxifier of the body and the blood builder, and the gallbladder providing the small intestines with bile to aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients by the body...The liver likes a good flush, so adding in Lemon water, and bitters can help pucker ip and cleanse these two organs...Dandilion root and dandelion leaves help to support and detox the liver as well as greens and fresh juices...This is a good time of year to do a salt water flush or a catnip tea or coffee enema...

Next We come to seed planting and foraging for new buds and sprouts...spring brings in all kinds of super rich foods...Always remember when wild foraging to forage and gather far enough away from the road side to have less of the cars waste be absorbed in your wild food...Stinging Nettles is one of my first favourite things to begin collecting...I only take what I need and I always ask permission and offer gratitude when removing any parts of the natural world...Mid March I being planting seeds such as scotch bonnet hot pepper, red onions, and beginning of April I start kale, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, eggplant, brussle sprouts and different herbs eventually moving on to the faster growing seeds and then direct sow in late may after all dangers of frost are over...I feels so good to go outside and finally start digging in the garden after this long cold winter...

Stay tuned for more updates on the farm......

This Is Buck...He is an Authentic wellness Pony who we just found out suffers from flare ups of Founder aka Lamenitis...This condition is caused but to nutrient rich food, being over the ideal weight, toes not being trimmed right on time, and lack of exercise...Flare ups are common to happen in the spring due to the nutrient and sugar rich grasses...This condition makes him very sore in his legs especially in the front feet since more weight is distributed there...there for signs of warning are walking tender footed and keeping front legs straight...Treatments include stall rest with nice and thick bedding, anti-inflammatories, icing all four legs 10 min a day 2 times a day until flare up subsides, Keeping their intake sugar and carb free, cheaper quality hay watered down is the best...sugar free beet pulp to mix the anti-inflammatory medications in, its bitter and doesn't taste great...Buck is enjoying his big bedded box stall and loves visits from the guests, where he gets lots of brushing and and chats...Book an experience with Buck in the animal experiences and get some one on one comfort time...

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