Authentic Wellness Therapy
Welcome to Our Authentic Wellness Experiences Website....Our Mission is to provide a magical place where each guest receives a unique and Authentic experience that deepens a connection to nature and self, which in turn reminds us of who we are. Our Programs include Forest bathing, Equine Therapy, Yoga, guided meditation, movement classes, Reiki and many other spa Therapies...
Meet the Team
Here we have our Wellness guides and our Nature Therapists..
Forest Bathing "Shinrin Yoku"
Nature provides an abundance of soothing effects on the nervous system, and awakens our senses. The fresh air filled with Prana combined with the Aromatherapy of the trees and forest floor, provides our lungs with cleansing and revitalizing properties deeply oxygenating our bodies...All whilst the The healing sounds of Nature tuning us into her Birds songs, the swaying and stretching of the Ancient Pines and breathing with their 200 plus years experience...Feeling and hearing the Pine cones and needles crunching underfoot connecting you to the bare back and breasts of Mother Nature...Opening our eyes to the sun that is beaming through the trees, Following the Sun to the perfect bathing spot and letting the Rays cleanse and soak deep into our beings...Breathing, walking, consciously meditating, In the Arms of the forest, developing a practice and devotion to taking care of the Senses...
Enjoy our Authentic Wellness Website Experiences
Healing and growing through natural experiences...
Welcome to Authentic Wellness Experiences. Here you will be able to book appointments with nature as your guide and experienced Wellness Regenerators ...You will receive videos on deepening your connection to your self and be offered a place in Nature where you can safely experience all the seasons gifts and what we have to offer...
What We Offer
1 hr
65 Canadian dollars1 hr
80 Canadian dollars1 hr
90 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
$60 private1 hr
100 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
222.22 Canadian dollars1 hr
Per Person30 min
$30.00 per session5 hr
PER guest...min $1001 hr
60 Canadian dollars2 hr
120 Canadian dollars24 hr
50 Canadian dollars44 hr
$444.4444 hr
444.44 Canadian dollars8 hr
Size,Time $ Vary...8 hr
per-person & rental